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- This is documentation for "Play" - the player program which
- accompanies Deluxe Paint III. This documentation and the Play
- program and icon are
- Copyright 1989 Electronic Arts
- and have been uploaded by permission of Electronic Arts. If you
- recirculate this file, please keep this ARChive intact and do not
- separate the documentation or the icon from the player, as the
- player has no built in help and many of its functions would be
- non-obvious to a user who has never seen it before. Thank you.
- -----
- [documentation which follows was keyed in by Harv Laser (Plink:
- CBM*HARV) from the Dpaint III manual with the express permission
- of Electronic Arts]
- -----
- The Player utility lets you play the animations you created with
- DeluxePaint III. You can boot the utility from the Workbench or
- use CLI arguments to start the Player.
- From the Workbench click on the Play icon. This loads the program
- in the default screen format (lo-res, 320 x 200, with 32 colors).
- The screen is black and the menu bar is not displayed. To see
- the program's single menu, move the pointer to the upper left
- part of the screen and press down on the right mouse button.
- ANIMATE appears in the menu bar, and the menu options, LOAD,
- PLAY, ABOUT, and QUIT appear below the title.
- You're now in the "interactive" mode. Choose LOAD and when the
- Load Anim requester appears, specify which drive you want to make
- active (df1: or df0:) and then load a picture or anim from the
- directory of the drive you chose. When you click Load in the
- requester, the utility automatically plays the highlighted file.
- Choose PLAY to play a picture or anim you've already loaded, just
- as you would in DeluxePaint III.
- After you've loaded an animation in memory, the Load Anim
- requester looks a little different when you choose LOAD again.
- The APPEND button appears in the requester. Click APPEND only if
- you want to add the picture or animation you're currently loading
- to the back end of the animation that's already in memory.
- You can use the same keyboard commands you've used in DeluxePaint
- III while you view your animation.
- Tab Turns color cycling on/off
- Left Arrow Slows down play rate
- Right Arrow Speeds up play rate
- r Reverses play direction
- Esc or Space bar Stops play
- 1 Go to previous frame
- 2 Go to next frame
- 4 Play the animation
- 5 Play once
- 6 Play ping-pong
- To use Player from the CLI, open the CLi from the Workbench. On
- the command line type PLAY, [space bar], and the filename of the
- picture or anim you want to load. If you want to show the anim
- for a certain number of seconds, press the [space bar] and type
- that number after the filename. If you would like to indicate
- that the number is a loop count instead of time in seconds, press
- the [space bar] again and type "loops". You're now ready to
- issue play commands for your animation (or you can press [return]
- right now and your animation will play and take you back to the
- CLI when it's finished).
- *NOTE if you type an @ before the filename in the first line, the
- following text string is the name of a script file from which
- commands are read. Script files are ASCII text files crated with
- a text editor such as ED or MEMACS, both of which are included
- with Workbench 1.3.
- Play Commands from CLI:
- play Run the interactive Player
- play pict_or_anim Load pict_or_anim, interactive
- play pict_or_anim 10 Load Pict_or_anim: show for 10
- seconds then exit
- play foo 20 seconds Load foo: show for 20 seconds, then
- exit
- play anim 20 loops Load anim: play 20 loops, then exit
- play @test REad commands from script file "test"
- The script commands, one per line, are similar to the CLI
- commands except that the word "play" is omitted.
- pict_or_anim 5 Display Pict_or_anim for 5 seconds
- anim 10 loops Display anim for 10 loops
- anim Play anim until user hits key
- pict Display pict until user hits key
- If you hit the Space bar or click the left mouse button while a
- picture or anim is running the program will move to the next
- command, even if the specified play-time has not elapsed.
- File names with blanks must be enclosed in quotation (" ") marks.
- A command line starting with a ; (semicolon) is skipped.